Response Transformer

Transform the response sent by a client on the fly on Janus, before giving it back to the client.


The plain response transformer config:

"response_transformer": {
    "enabled": true,
    "config": {
        "add": {
            "headers": {
                "X-Something": "Value"
        "append": {
            "headers": {
                "X-Something-More": "Value"
        "replace": {
            "headers": {
                "X-Something": "New Value"
        "remove": {
            "headers": {
                "X-Something": ""

Here is a simple definition of the available configurations.

Configuration Description
name Name of the plugin to use, in this case: response_transformer
config.remove.headers List of header names. Unset the headers with the given name.
config.replace.headers List of headername:value pairs. If and only if the header is already set, replace its old value with the new one. Ignored if the header is not already set.
config.add.headers List of headername:value pairs. If and only if the header is not already set, set a new header with the given value. Ignored if the header is already set.
config.append.headers List of headername:value pairs. If the header is not set, set it with the given value. If it is already set, a new header with the same name and the new value will be set.

Order of execution

Plugin performs the response transformation in following order

remove --> replace --> add --> append