Add an endpoint

The main feature of an API Gateway is to proxy requests to different services, so let's do this.

1. Adding a new endpoint

Now that you are authenticated, you can send a request to /apis to create a proxy.

Create an example.json file containing your endpoint configuration:

    "name" : "my-endpoint",
    "active" : true,
    "proxy" : {
        "listen_path" : "/example/*",
        "upstreams" : {
            "balancing": "roundrobin",
            "targets": [
                {"target": ""}
        "methods" : ["GET"]

And now let's add it to Janus:

{% codetabs name="HTTPie", type="bash" -%} http -v POST localhost:8081/apis "Authorization:Bearer yourToken" "Content-Type: application/json" < example.json {%- language name="CURL", type="bash" -%} curl -X "POST" localhost:8081/apis -H "Authorization:Bearer yourToken" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @example.json {%- endcodetabs %}

This will create a proxy to (which is a fake api) when you hit Janus on GET /example.

2. Verify that your API has been added

You can use the REST API to query all available APIs and Auth Providers. Simply make a request to /apis:

{% codetabs name="HTTPie", type="bash" -%} http -v GET localhost:8081/apis "Authorization:Bearer yourToken" "Content-Type: application/json" {%- language name="CURL", type="bash" -%} curl -X "GET" localhost:8081/apis -H "Authorization:Bearer yourToken" -H "Content-Type: application/json" {%- endcodetabs %}

3. Forward your requests through Janus

Issue the following request to verify that Janus is properly forwarding requests to your API. Note that by default Janus handles proxy requests on port :8080:

{% codetabs name="HTTPie", type="bash" -%} http -v GET http://localhost:8080/example {%- language name="CURL", type="bash" -%} curl -vX "GET" http://localhost:8080/example {%- endcodetabs %}

A successful response means Janus is now forwarding requests made to http://localhost:8080 to the elected upstream target (chosen by the load balancer) that we configured in step #1, and is forwarding the response back to us.

Next we'll learn how to modify existing endpoint.